Dreams of an Engineer A 10-year Reflection on Water Development in Kabingo

I started the decade 2010-2020 with some hope for my future, this was actually my turning point. I didn’t know how my elder sister talked to Father Richard Kyankaaga a Comboni Missionary about my education. In 2008, having struggled and finished S.4, my family and I did know the way forward. I was starting to think of doing peasant farming with my mother because I didn’t want to do bodaboda (motorbike/taxi) riding as many of my peers opt to. My Father had just been retired from primary teaching in 2007.
Fr. Richard took me to one of the schools I had never thought of, to do my S.5 and S.6 (Advanced Secondary/College), my family couldn’t afford even a quarter of the school fees at Blessed Sacrament S.S Kimanya. Having gained enough hope and strength I began to focus on the dreams of David I was seeing in my mirrors, I wanted to be an engineer but did not know which kind of engineer I wanted to be by then.
The sponsorship from HFK really changed my life, I am now a qualified Civil engineer. HFK sponsored me for 6 years, two year at college for my diploma in civil engineering and four years at University for my degree in civil engineering, am really so grateful. I am now a proud and responsible Father one daughter Chloe, a good husband to Scovia and a responsible son to my aged parents and siblings. I couldn’t afford doing all this without the support of HFK.
I am really so grateful with Hope for Kabingo. When I had just graduated HFK employed me to be the Water Project Coordinator working directly with the Engineers Without Borders . The water project is one of the wonderful projects HFK runs in the Kabingo Community. With my qualifications and all the skills I have gathered, I can be employed in any water related project or organization.
Up to now, I have been giving a hand on two nephews and supporting my aged Father and Mom. I really want to start supporting someone whom I do not have a blood relationship with starting next year. Because HFK started loving me and supported me without knowing me. Happy Anniversary Hope for Kabingo and the entire fraternity.
Thank you so much HFK,
Thank you Fr. Richard Kyankaaga.
Thank you Brian & Jamie (My Sponsors)
Thank so much indeed.
- David Tebandeke, HFK Water Coordinator